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Importance Of Chemistry In Everyday Life

  SERIES-2.1: IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY  IN EVERYDAY LIFE LET ME GLANCE AT THE VIGYAN STORY THROUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE IN DETAIL: Have you ever wondered about the importance of chemistry in day to day life?   Importance and scope of chemistry are huge!  In this Vigyan Story , we will look at some of the practical applications of chemistry.   Chemistry in everyday life is one of the chapters of chemistry. Finding an answer is one of the most common chemistry homework assignments , main moto behind assignments is to found out, how we use chemistry in daily life, and we got an answer that, Chemistry is present everywhere , That's how we practically learn chemistry. Here's a look at why chemistry matters: If you already studied Chemistry or having knowledge about it, you must have wondered about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. It is the branch of science which deals with the investigation of the properties and c...

Things to learn about Science at the beginning of the year

We love Science and especially Science experiments. These learning ideas at the beginning of your grade will help you introduce Science and Science activities in your classroom learning and It will help you to lay a foundation for future Science studies.

1. Search and analyze what scientists Do.

2. discuss their work in various field of science and technology.                   

Most students knew about their work and they pursue the dream to become a ScientistYou can expand your ideas and gain knowledge by reading their books such as their biography.

The purpose of a biography is to gives you information. A feature you can find in a biography is what they do in their life, what they make, and more stuff like that. 

Biographies have a lot of information about a person. It is an opportunity to discuss Science as knowledge and by understanding our natural Science. Scientists learn through the following skills:

  • Observation 
  • Experimenting
  • Collaboration
  • Analysis
  • Problem-solving skills

Some of the questions which are curious to students and some of them may discuss in class are, “What jobs do scientists do?” and “What skills do scientists use while experimenting?”. Build this type of questioning skill throughout the year as you introduce with Science and technology into your Science lessons. Make a book or a kind of chart /sticky note and maintain it up to an entire year.

Find out different things made by science and technology.

Students had curiosity by all of the ways that we use Science products in our daily lives. Most of the time have been taught that Science is all around us. By finding out Science behind the things that we use. Say, for example, we all like processed milk products like butter, yoghurt, cream, curd, cheese which are made by using food technology tools. Yes...! Science is everywhere. 

Start learning abouT scientific instruments.

Learn about Scientific instruments in the Science lab. Start finding its purpose and uses so that you will able to handle it properly. 

Read SCIENCE SAFETY RULES before starting the experiment.

At the beginning of the year, before conducting experiments in the laboratory, first, get introduced yourself with Science safety rules and the routines, and all procedures you will use. Setting expectations at the start and recalling them before each class activity and experiment which will conduct in the laboratory. It will help you to avoid accidents and keep things running smoothly.

Always keep science journal with You.

Set up a journaling routine. Students can find out and record new vocabularies and also makes keynote for easy understanding of the experiment. The Journal is used to write procedures, take notes, record data, and experiments. 

Understand scientific methods and theories.

There are many processes Scientists use to test ideas and answer questions. 

One process is the Scientific method.

The Scientific Method

The Scientific method is a process for experimentation for Science. That is used to explore observations and also includes different questions and answers. The method of analysis is based on the same principles and their observations. Some areas of Science can be more regularly tested. 

For example, Evolution, Weather reports and many more. Sometimes there will be a need for modification in the Scientific method. There are probably several modified versions of the Scientific method are available and the interesting thing is this version will also be modified by researchers! But even when modified, the goal of the experiment and purpose remains the same. By asking questions, Experiments based on predictions and continuous observations. 

By carefully gathering and examining, all the available information can be combined and analysed based on the observations finally get a logical answer.

Scientific method steps -

1. Purpose- A purpose of doing the laboratory experiment is where accurate measurements are possible. Students learn research skills by using a standardized procedure.

2. Research- Research is a careful and detailed study of a specific problem, concern, or issue This will be carried out by using the Scientific method. In a school, you introduced with Science experiments at an elementary level. Where you try and learn Science tools, experimentation skills. This is the best method to get an answer to your questions by doing research. The interesting thing is you can easily correlate hypothesis or theory with a practical method.  
3. Hypothesis- A Scientific hypothesis is the base or building block of the Scientific method. Based on prior knowledge and observation. We think about the outcomes of the experiment. The steps include initial formulation and testing of a predicted hypothesis is part of the Scientific method. The hypothesis is described as a creative process and is based on prior Scientific knowledge or experience. 

4.Experiment- Design and experiment to test your hypothesis.
Fractional Distillation

5.Data/Analysis- Record observations and analyze the meaning of the observed data.

6. Conclusion- By performing all the above steps we come across logical answer and interpretation to accept or reject your hypothesis. There is an outcome to experiment whether it will, right or wrong, so either result is fine.

A hypothesis represents a temporary state between two non-hypothetical conditions - rejection or acceptance. No hypothesis is intended to remain a hypothesis forever; It is a proposition on trial until it is confirmed or disconfirmed. Sometimes repeating an experiment either give a different result or resolve errors, it all depends on your experimental skills. 

In other cases, a hypothesis may predict an outcome, yet you might draw an incorrect conclusion and vice versa. Share and communicate your results. 

The results may be compiled as a lab report or formally written in your journal. By performing an experiment and learning these skills, you likely learned something about the subject and may wish to revise the original hypothesis or form a new one for a future experiment. 

The Scientist work can help and guides as well as help to develop an interest in experimental and analysing skills of students. While experimenting and testing hypotheses. 

Learning proper Scientific methods and Science tools laying a foundation that you can build on throughout the year in various fields like Science and Technology, Mathematics, Engineering and applied sciences.

Beginning with the basics of Science and its tools will useful for you and a great way to begin the year in Science. I hope these ideas help you to introduce Science research and begin building a great foundation for all of your future Science units. Hope this will remind your School and College days about journal routines, Daily goals and research, especially teamwork. Yes...! The wonderful thing is this "Vigyan Story" is ultimately going on and on...!

So, start exploring new things, learning, reading and discovering yourselves. Until we meet again...!   



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