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Importance Of Chemistry In Everyday Life

  SERIES-2.1: IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY  IN EVERYDAY LIFE LET ME GLANCE AT THE VIGYAN STORY THROUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE IN DETAIL: Have you ever wondered about the importance of chemistry in day to day life?   Importance and scope of chemistry are huge!  In this Vigyan Story , we will look at some of the practical applications of chemistry.   Chemistry in everyday life is one of the chapters of chemistry. Finding an answer is one of the most common chemistry homework assignments , main moto behind assignments is to found out, how we use chemistry in daily life, and we got an answer that, Chemistry is present everywhere , That's how we practically learn chemistry. Here's a look at why chemistry matters: If you already studied Chemistry or having knowledge about it, you must have wondered about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. It is the branch of science which deals with the investigation of the properties and c...

Importance Of Physics In Everyday Life


The word 'Physics' comes from the Greek word 'knowledge of nature,' and in general, the field aims to analyze and understand the natural phenomena of the universe. 


Physics is the study of- 
  • Matter, energy, and the interactions between them.
  • Helps us to understand the laws and rules that govern the physical world. 
  • Not everyone will grow up and study physics at a deeper level, but everyone uses basic physics concepts to navigate everyday life. 
Physics adventure inspires people and expands the boundaries of our knowledge about Nature. The world of science and research advances day by day. 

  • Let's explore the world of Physics with some interesting topics of physics like-
  • The time machine 
  • Robots 
  • Time travel
  •  Quantum Physics
  • The theory of relativity 
  • The concept of Photoelectric Effect 
  • The Higgs Boson particle
  •  black hole 
  • The invention of the light bulb 
  • Electromagnetic spectrum
  • The Big Bang Theory leads to an explanation about how the universe began.
The phrase "Big Bang Theory" has been popular among astrophysicists for decades Physics is integral to space science, and many more...! 

There are a bunch of the big questions which is based on concepts of Physics.

Once you get into that Physics is all around you and you will realize how correlative and interesting subject applicable in day to day life it is!

  • Is there another planet like Earth? 
  • What will happen if we will find another planet of humans just like Earth?
  • How did the universe begin?
  • How many galaxies exist in the universe?
  • How did man land on the moon?
  • How do we know the Big Bang happened?
  • What are the basic building blocks of matter and what it consists of?
  • How will future space technology?
  • How sounds travel and can be produced?
There are lots of theories available and research is still ongoing on these amazing topics, you may think about it, those things become possible within a few centuries? Or in the upcoming a thousand years, when our technology will be more and more advanced?    

Every single activity in our lives, which define one or another field of science. Similarly, 
Physics governs our everyday lives and is involved in several activities we perform and things we use in our daily life.

Physics is one of the diverse fields of science which consist of the marvellous discoveries about the whole universe.

The study of Physics involves goals like How universe behaves?

There are Two Main Branches of Physics 
  1. Classical Physics 
  2. Modern Physics.
Its sub-branches are Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Optics, etc..

The technologies based on various inventions which are the most rapid and major part of modern society throughout the world are related to Physics. 

Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, As we know astronomy is the oldest branch of science. The Physics involved the study from both macroscopic and submicroscopic levels. Encompasses the study of the behaviour of an object like how the universe behaves? 

Under the action of forces. Its study helps to get the nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force fields.

Let's relate it to our daily lives, for example, a car is made on the principle of mechanics and a refrigerator is based on the principles of thermodynamics.  

Physics tends to be associated with useful devices like-

TVs, refrigerators, bicycles, cars, motor, vehicles, aeroplanes, ships, rails, sound systems, telephones, rockets, missiles, bombs, electronic types of equipment used in medical centres, machines in factories, computers, radios, electrical appliances in houses, hospitals and offices etc. are all due to the application of physical laws. 

The industrial revolution and advances are based on technology, which is the application of Physics and other branches of science. The Physicists investigate employing controlled experimentation with mathematical analysis.

The Discovery of Gravity
A popular story says that Sir Isaac Newton came up with the theory of gravity. Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity in the 1600s. When an apple fell from a tree and falls down on his head and it got him to thinking about the something mysterious force that pulls objects to the ground., Apple or any object that falls down on the Earth's surface from this question arose: 

 Why? 💭

The answer is the Gravity of Earth on the apple pulled it down. Finding out the many answers to this question enabled us to build the space rocket, satellite, aeroplane etc. 

This discovery explained a lot about that, in particular why orbiting objects don't just fly off into space?   
Gravity is present all over the universe, the force of gravity keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun.

Everything around us uses different forms of energy. Our automobiles, planes, and trains burn fuel, our computers require electrical sources and Wi-Fi connections, electric cars and motors and our telecommunication devices operate on cellular signals. 

The world of Physics, which concentrates on many concepts some of them are, forces which have an impact upon the matter, that is, gravitation, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, and others. For an extensive understanding of fundamental principles of the universe, Physics utilizes many workings from the other branches of natural sciences.

Physics advances in the understanding of various concepts like Optics, electromagnetism, solid-state physics, The Doppler Effect, The concept of magnetism and sound waves, nuclear physics and many more. Which led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society-
  • Such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons, Doppler Radars, camera lens, cell phones, batteries and many more. 
Advances in thermodynamics led to the development of 
  • Industrialization, thermal power plants and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.
Next Vigyan Story will explore more about Physics.

So, start exploring new things 😃, learning, reading and discovering yourselves. Until we meet again...!  


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