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Showing posts from July, 2020

Importance Of Chemistry In Everyday Life

  SERIES-2.1: IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY  IN EVERYDAY LIFE LET ME GLANCE AT THE VIGYAN STORY THROUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE IN DETAIL: Have you ever wondered about the importance of chemistry in day to day life?   Importance and scope of chemistry are huge!  In this Vigyan Story , we will look at some of the practical applications of chemistry.   Chemistry in everyday life is one of the chapters of chemistry. Finding an answer is one of the most common chemistry homework assignments , main moto behind assignments is to found out, how we use chemistry in daily life, and we got an answer that, Chemistry is present everywhere , That's how we practically learn chemistry. Here's a look at why chemistry matters: If you already studied Chemistry or having knowledge about it, you must have wondered about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. It is the branch of science which deals with the investigation of the properties and changes of matter. From the

Importance Of Physics In Everyday Life

SERIES-2.1👉: IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICS  IN EVERYDAY LIFE      The word 'Physics' comes from the Greek   word 'knowledge of nature,' and in general, the field aims to analyze and understand the natural phenomena of the universe.  LET ME GLANCE AT THE VIGYAN STORY THROUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICS IN EVERYDAY LIFE IN DETAIL: Physics is the study of-  Matter, energy, and the interactions between them. Helps us to understand the laws and rules that govern the physical world.  Not everyone will grow up and study physics at a deeper level, but everyone uses basic physics concepts to navigate everyday life.  Physics adventure inspires people and expands the boundaries of our knowledge about Nature. The world of science and research advances day by day.  Let's explore the world of Physics with some interesting topics of physics like- The time machine   Robots  Time travel   Quantum Physics The theory of relativity   The concept of  Photoelectric Effect   The Higgs Boson

Examples Of Science In Everyday Life

SERIES-2👉: EXAMPLES OF  SCIENCE IN EVERYDAY LIFE Science works as an analytical tool for understanding:  WHAT IS HAPPENING AROUND US?  We are now living in the 21 st century of science and technology- In ancient times, people had no idea about What Science is? And now we are fully upgraded with technology and connected with science in every walk of our life and we are using Science in everyday life.   LET ME GLANCE AT THE VIGYAN STORY THROUGH THE EXAMPLES OF SCIENCE IN EVERYDAY LIFE IN DETAIL: Let's explore the world of S cience in simple words - In ancient times, we light a fire until now we are too advanced having a solar cooker, Gas, induction cooker, many appliances. Thus lighting the fire... it is a chemical process. Chemistry is that the study of matter what it consists of, what its properties are, and the way it changes.  The food which we consume, when entering into our body, undergoes many chemical reactions which provide energy. The chemically reacted food interacts

Science In Everyday Life

 Science In Everyday Life   Almost everything that we see is the gift of Science and Technology . This is Vigyan story about everybody. The entire day we use techno tools. Just "one-click" is required for anything which you want to do. Like online shopping, Social media platforms, we start our day with...! Friends you got my point 😀? Everything is the result of Science and Technology.  SERIES-2👉INTRODUCTION: SCIENCE IN EVERYDAY LIFE LET ME GLANCE AT THE VIGYAN STORY THROUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY IN DETAIL:  Science  may be a logical study of  how the universe works  or beyond this by finding a new planet or launching a satellite, more than this finding evidence of life over the planet. Science world is  dynamic.  Science supported by scientifically doing experiments and continuous observation and measurement, and therefore the formulation of laws and theories to explain these facts in general terms. Science is one of the greatest blessings to mankind.