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Importance Of Chemistry In Everyday Life

  SERIES-2.1: IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY  IN EVERYDAY LIFE LET ME GLANCE AT THE VIGYAN STORY THROUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE IN DETAIL: Have you ever wondered about the importance of chemistry in day to day life?   Importance and scope of chemistry are huge!  In this Vigyan Story , we will look at some of the practical applications of chemistry.   Chemistry in everyday life is one of the chapters of chemistry. Finding an answer is one of the most common chemistry homework assignments , main moto behind assignments is to found out, how we use chemistry in daily life, and we got an answer that, Chemistry is present everywhere , That's how we practically learn chemistry. Here's a look at why chemistry matters: If you already studied Chemistry or having knowledge about it, you must have wondered about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. It is the branch of science which deals with the investigation of the properties and c...

Examples Of Physics In Everyday Life


The word 'Physics' comes from the Greek word 'knowledge of Nature,' and in general, the field aims to analyze and understand the natural phenomena of the Universe.

Physicists have divided the subject into various branches and each branch has acquired a title of a full subject in modern days. Physics is also one of the most important subjects of all Science.


The life of today’s human being is completely dependent upon the machinery. This speed of development achieved the greatest impetus by the end of the 19th century and in 20th-century man became able to see into the world of small microscopic subatomic particle atom to the large macroscopic mysteries galaxies. 

The man reached the moon and explored the deserts of space and expanding galaxies. 
Think💭What Would It Be Like to Live on Mars?  

What is physics?

The answer is Physics, is all around us. The subject Physics can be defined as the branch of Science which deals with the study of properties of matter and energy along with the interaction between them. Every branch of Science keeps changing as we progress and make discoveries. New theories don't just bring new answers but it also opens up new topics for research.  

By creating new questions that build more interest in physics, when we try to define physics into generalizations about what physics has been rather than what it might be in the future.

If you have ever wondered -

How is lightning made? 
What causes the sound of thunder? 
What is the science behind the boomerang? 
Why do waves break? 
How does a tiny computer deal with complicated problems?
How long does it take the light to travel from a star to reach us? 
You have been thinking about some of the same things physicists study every day.

The relevance of physical science to everyday life-

When we start learning physics, we begin with Gravity. Velocity, motion, acceleration, force,
mass, energy, momentum, the concept of a pulley —these are some of the concepts that are found in an elementary physics course. The principles developed can apply to the motion of
anything-macroparticles like planets and micro particles like electrons…Physics is the study of everything in the universe.

Sky, Stars, Astronomy, Telescope, Blue, Moon, Saturn

Impact of Physics to daily life:

New understanding of science and technology by learning and understanding scientific theories and inventions which will ultimately benefit everyone. Getting knowledge about physics and by understanding physics, we not only able to better understand the world around us and use that knowledge to better it and ourselves, but we also learned to challenge our belief systems.

In the last decades, scientific knowledge and technology have grown at a spectacular rate and had a dramatic impact on society. Tremendous progress in various technology has been used, to study the structure of the universe.


Electricity is an essential part of modern life. The electricity that we use used to get light, heat, and mechanical energy that drives fans and electric motors, electric automobiles.
Transportation such as cars and aeroplanes, electric automobiles, Domestic appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and microwave oven, etc.

We use many electrical appliances in our day to day life. We use electrical appliances for entertainment purposes- 

Watching television for entertainment, listening to the radio and listening to music on the MP3 player, listening to movies or music on mobiles and computers, laptops, mobiles have just become essential things Which runs on the battery. 

Right now for entertainment, we have surfed on online social networking platforms which are means of entertainment e.g. YouTube and various Apps. 

At most levels, we use mobile phones, be it entertainment or online education. For getting any information we use the Internet. So, This cell phone tower also runs on electricity. 
All these devices and appliances run on electricity. 

Uses of Electricity in Household

Starting from Induction Gas for cooking, toaster to the refrigerator, microwave, washing machine, dishwasher, dry iron, mixer grinders, electrical chimney, and many more appliances. Which are simple to use and made for the convenience of day to day activities and uses electricity to function.

All these tools are inventions of different branches of science, it is made up of different technology. Knowing technology is a good thing to understand its products, devices or anything made by science and tech. This is one of the reasons Why Science is important.  

Batteries - 
Battery, Electrical, Electricity, Positive, Negative

Anything with a battery in it stores electrical energy. 

The car stores electrical energy in its battery that is used to start the engine and to run the electrical components of the car like the radio, car headlights, music systems. The engine uses combustion to create electrical energy that is stored in the battery to be used when it’s needed. 

A battery is a device which converts chemical energy to electrical energy and vice versa. The stored energy is used to power electrical gadgets, appliances. 

Different types of batteries available in the market which are used in various electrical appliances, gadgets, components-

Such as an Alarm Clock, Television remotes, Embedded hardware etc.

Imagining the world without any use of electricity is very difficult these days. With small things like study lamp, charge the mobile device to big things like a plane requires electricity to operate. Human civilization has become very modern-day by day and electricity is needed everywhere. 

How is electricity produced? 

Various Methods of Electricity Generation-
There are various methods of electricity generation dependent on different types of energy.

  • Wind 

Wind Farm, Windpower, Wind Park, Windfarm, Wind Energy

  • Solar

Solar, Roof, Solar Energy, Power Generation

  • BioMass

Power Station, Power Plant, Electricity, Silhouette

  • Hydro

Water, Hydroelectric, Energy, Hydro, River, Power

  • Coal
Atom, Coal, Combustion, Current, Ecology, Electricity

  • Nuclear 

Nuclear Power Plant, Cooling Tower, Sunrise, Mood 
Power Station, Current, The Industry, Energy
Next Vigyan Story will explore more about Physics.

So, start exploring new things 😃, learning, reading and discovering yourselves. Until we meet again...!   


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