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Importance Of Chemistry In Everyday Life

  SERIES-2.1: IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY  IN EVERYDAY LIFE LET ME GLANCE AT THE VIGYAN STORY THROUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE IN DETAIL: Have you ever wondered about the importance of chemistry in day to day life?   Importance and scope of chemistry are huge!  In this Vigyan Story , we will look at some of the practical applications of chemistry.   Chemistry in everyday life is one of the chapters of chemistry. Finding an answer is one of the most common chemistry homework assignments , main moto behind assignments is to found out, how we use chemistry in daily life, and we got an answer that, Chemistry is present everywhere , That's how we practically learn chemistry. Here's a look at why chemistry matters: If you already studied Chemistry or having knowledge about it, you must have wondered about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. It is the branch of science which deals with the investigation of the properties and c...

Examples Of Science In Everyday Life


Science works as an analytical tool for understanding: 


We are now living in the 21 st century of science and technology-

In ancient times, people had no idea about What Science is? And now we are fully upgraded with technology and connected with science in every walk of our life and we are using Science in everyday life.  


Let's explore the world of Science in simple words-

In ancient times, we light a fire until now we are too advanced having a solar cooker, Gas, induction cooker, many appliances. Thus lighting the fire... it is a chemical process.

Chemistry is that the study of matter what it consists of, what its properties are, and the way it changes. The food which we consume, when entering into our body, undergoes many chemical reactions which provide energy. The chemically reacted food interacts with various cells present in our body and these cells transfer the proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins and minerals present in the food to our body through various mechanisms. Biology and Chemistry are involved in this process.

When we eat any food and our body digests it, it is a biological process. 
How does the human organ system work?
How food is getting digested? 
Those questions answered by human anatomy and physiology which come under the branch Biology.
Man, Human, Evolution, Body, Prehistory, Anthropology

The field of science that studies life, and living things, and the evolution of life called Biology. When we talk about bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa and algae, collectively known as 'microbes'.
Protozoans, Microbes, Biology, Science, Microbiology
The study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye called Microbiology.
When we talk of processed food products it is the research of food technology. 
The baking bread is an example of processes that fall within the concept of biotechnology by using yeast i.e living organism to produce the desired product.

Photosynthesis, Diagram Of Photosynthesis, Plant

The plant produces food by using the process of photosynthesis.   
1. How do the plant cell organelles work? 
2. How does it function? 

Could be an interesting part to learn more about this part of science...! So the scientific study of the plant is Botany.

Someone has a keen interest in animal physiology, wants to more learn about animal cells and researchers work in this field of Sciences called Zoology.
Biology and Zoology is a wide-ranging area of the life sciences. 

When we walk on Earth, it is governed by the laws of Physics.
When we talk about Gravity, Electromagnetism there are many concepts of Physics say, for example, Radio waves are very widely used in modern technology, They are used in standard broadcast radio and television, navigation and air-traffic control, cellular telephony, and also remote-controlled toys. 
Radio waves embedded in mobile radio communication, broadcasting, radar and radio navigation systems, communications satellites, wireless computer networks and many other applications.

If we talk about infectious diseases, viral diseases, various genetic disorders, bacterial diseases, it is researched by using different branches of Science. 
Collectively called as Medical Sciences.

Medicine is the field of health and healing. It includes nurses, doctors, and various specialists. It covers diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease includes medical research and many other aspects of health...!

Scientists have invented so many types and wonder drugs. The effects of these drugs are so miraculous and useful to mankind. 
Employing these drugs, fatal diseases could be controlled and this invention is going on and on. There were many deadly diseases that can be cured by the application of medicine in proper time.
The branch of medicine that concerned with the uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs called Pharmacology.

When an earthquake occurs, then it is seismic activity. 
When we talk about geophysicists who have led the exploration for fossil fuelsNatural gas is a fossil fuel, which is used as a source of energy for heating, cooking, and electricity generation, also used as fuel for vehicles. 

The fuel in the vehicles is burnt for the vehicle to get energy. So, the concept involved in the burning of the fuel is combustion. The conversion of heat energy into electrical energy and mechanical energy takes place. Hence, Chemistry and Physics are involved.

These studies help to understand and resolve society's most important problems, such as energy, water, and mineral resources; In the environment such as climate change; and natural hazards like landslides, volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods.

Anthropology is the science of humanity, It includes the aspects that study starting from the biology and evolutionary history of Homo sapiens to the features of society and culture.

also comprise with the analytic techniques of the many scientific disciplines/areas like botany, chemistry, computing, ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics, geology, and statistics, among others use to recover and interpret the material remains of past human activities.

Computer science is a branch of science and technology that encompasses all aspects of a computer system, including computer software, hardware, and networking.
Laptops, tablets, Computers that we widely used by common people for recording and operating their day-to-day transactions. 

Working, Space, Digital, Freelancer, Business, Work

It is also used in controlling and processing, also as analysing tool by importing various Softwares into it. It is connected with us as well as other branches of Sciences also.

Hence, Science Subject is divided into many subgroups. In day to day life, we used many things which ultimately based on concepts of various branches of sciences and applied sciences. Say, for Example, Natural Sciences Here, I will be taking Physics, Chemistry, Biology. As we know Science and Technology are accessible to everyone. 

The amazing thing is we easily operate the objects made by Science in our day to day life and the Science advances technology, which is based on different branches of Sciences and their subgroups. Sometimes we used to with the technology, we know the science behind it and sometimes not...!  

Next Vigyan Story will explore more about the wonderful branches of Sciences.
So, start exploring new things 😃, learning, reading and discovering yourselves. Until we meet again...!  


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